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    Russian Vacation Sims

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    Belarus folk people
    18.12.2010, 02:03

    Belarus - the state in the Eastern Europe. Bounds with Russia in the east and the northeast, with Latvia and Lithuania — in the north and the northwest, with Poland — in the west and with Ukraine — in the south.
    The country title happens from Russian word combination White Russia. Besides White Russia, Belarus includes in the composition (in full or in part) such historical areas, as Lithuania, Black Russia, Polesye, the earth Berestovaja, the Vitebsk earth, the Polotsk earth, the Smolensk earth.

    Категория: Skins | Добавил: kaligula1
    Просмотров: 1236 | Загрузок: 390 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
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